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Save the monsters

Save the monsters

Save the monsters

Save the monsters games


Save the monsters Save the monsters🌟 Rate game
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Save the monsters

Save the monsters

It is a free online game of Horror

In this game we will not have to face the most terrible creatures on the planet, but we will have to help them so that they do not die hanged. You must use your PC mouse to set the power and trajectory of the shot with the bow and arrows. Point towards the rope that binds them to make them fall and stop suffocating. You have to be quick because your life is in danger and everything can change in a matter of seconds. As you progress in the game you will find more obstacles and many more helps to get through all the levels. Show your great aim using the bow and arrows and get to save all the monsters in the city.
Play Save the monsters for free without downloading , it is a game in the category: Horror that we have selected so that you can enjoy playing alone or with friends.
Game uploaded and updated with date: 2024-04-16T11:21:04+00:00

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