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My pocket pet games


My pocket pet My pocket pet🌟 Rate game
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My pocket pet

My pocket pet

It is a free online game of Animals

We offer you a new game in which we will have a classic pocket pet, like the typical Tamagotchi or the most recent success of Pou. We will start by choosing the egg that we like the most and we will give it the necessary care to get it to open. We will have to make him happy and rested so he can be born quickly. When it comes out of the egg, you will see the color of your new virtual cat and the new things you can do with it. In the left part you will have the interactive buttons while in the right you will have the bars with the needs of our pet. Take care of your pocket pet and get it always happy, with a full stomach, clean and rested.
Play My pocket pet for free without downloading , it is a game in the category: Animals that we have selected so that you can enjoy playing alone or with friends.
Game uploaded and updated with date: 2024-04-16T11:21:04+00:00

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