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Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID-19 games


Coronavirus COVID-19 Coronavirus COVID-19 Coronavirus COVID-19🌟 Rate game
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Coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus COVID-19

It is a free online game of .io

To give a little joy and take the stress out of today, we release a fun game called Coronavirus COVID-19 which is about people and the already well-known virus. We created a game for you so that you can also collect toilet paper and save yourself from death. I would tell you to avoid getting infected but it is impossible in this game because the other players as soon as they see you are going to fall on you to vomit and thus infect you, you are going to see a doctor and you can go to him to heal you with the antidote otherwise you will have to die of coughing, vomiting. You can also be the killer with a bat, his goal is to kill the infected. So now you know save your life by collecting all the toilet paper you can.
Play Coronavirus COVID-19 for free without downloading , it is a game in the category: .io that we have selected so that you can enjoy playing alone or with friends.
Game uploaded and updated with date: 2024-04-16T11:21:04+00:00

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